Garage Doors
3 Reasons why you should choose an up and over garage door
Posted on October 24, 2016 at 9:10 am
An up and over garage door may not be the most popular in current times but it still has its merits and it’s a fine choice for those who want a simple solution for their garage. So what are the main benefits?
Easy operation
You can’t find a garage door that’s easier to operate. You simple unlock it and lift it up. Then to close simply pull the door back down.
Minimal Maintenance
With such simple mechanisms, there isn’t really an awful lot that can go wrong with an up and over door. There are no slats and no electrical components (unless you require electric operation.
Easy to pain
Because it’s just one door, painting it or changing the finish is easy. Just apply clean it, apply waterproof paint and that’s it, job done.
Posted in Garage Doors